Sunday, 22 July 2012

My week according to Twitter- Week 29

This week it was the culmination of the last four years of university. It was graduation day! I am officially no longer a student. Going to miss those student discounts.

On Monday I graduated from the University of Sheffield with a First class MChem degree with honours as a Master of Chemistry with Study in Industry. It was a really good day celebrating a really good four years on university. Credit to Harry and friends though, fighting the dark lord in their robes. Even thought it was a cloudy, rainy day it was still ridiculously hot and stuffy and they moved out of place out every time I moved! I can see why they don't wear the hats too. I would have lost mine as soon as I had drawn my wand.
After the ceremony we had a really nice meal at Ego then I had a great night out at Population. The next day was a bit of a struggle to say the least.

I didn't even know this version existed until @Mattjamesrafc told me about it the other day. After a quick Google I found out it was actually a hidden part of the special features on the DVD I had. The film seems so different and it's really good seeing it from a different perspective.

Got some last minute tickets for the Olympics on Friday! A little bit of hassle as they gave from the official Spanish site and involve collection from a central London location, but hopefully everything goes to plan and I'll be in the Excel on 2nd August watching -100kg & -78kg finals. Can't wait.

Tweet from the past:
A tweet from this week 3 years ago. Why? I can't remember...

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